1. Monster Squeeze
-Number Recognition (6 options 0-10, 5-15, 10-20, 15-25, 20-30, mixed)
-Can be a one or two player game
-The player(s) try to guess the number on the number line by clicking it. The game tells the player
if the number they picked is larger or smaller that the secret number.
-The player who picks the secret number is the winner.
-This game talks the players through it by giving great directions!
-Children can easily work on this by themselves.
We used the numberline for EVERYTHING in third grade. This is great to start the year out to make sure students are familiar with it. It can also be used with strugglers who are having a hard time with numbers.
We used the numberline for EVERYTHING in third grade. This is great to start the year out to make sure students are familiar with it. It can also be used with strugglers who are having a hard time with numbers.

Adding; Greater than and less than
Can be a one or two player game
The player(s) each get two cards.
Each player then finds the sum of their cards.
After each player finds the sum,
they must figure out which sum is greater.
Players get points for correctly answering
their question and having the greater number.
This app is great for anyone who needs practice with those basic math facts!!
Multiplication 0-10
One player game
-The player is given a multiplication fact with the objective of "beating the computer."
-Twenty seconds is given for each fact. Points are given based on how many seconds are left.
I use this app for multiplication practice for my third graders! The enjoy it!
Recognizing equivalent fractions
One Player Game
Players match equivalent fractions on cards using the pictures and the fractions.
A big, new skill in third grade is equivalent fractions. This app helps students with that skill!
My Overall Review: All of these apps had great instructions, good feedback for wrong answers, and were engaging. I would recommend them all--get them when they are free. McGraw-Hill puts these on sale for free all the time!
On google reader, I am following Seomra Ranga. This site post apps that are useful in the primary grades. I have enjoyed discovering new apps through this blog!