
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Social Bookmarking- Delicious

I will be the first to admit... I didn't keep up with my social book marking site all semester like I was supposed to. I've never used something like that... and didn't need it. First, it did not take me long AT ALL to add 50 bookmarks. Between sites I learned from Dr. R, my classmates, and ones I use already, I had over 50 before I knew it. I see the benefit of using a site like this, if I would just make myself use it!!

I wish I could organize it better-- by subject. I know I can tag it and do it that way, but I guess I wish I could have headings and those websites lister there. I may have to continue using this, it's a great resource! (How many times have we said "It's a great resource!" this term? - ha!) Here is the link to my delicious site!



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